
Workshop for Cultivation, Collection, and Preparations of Household Formulations of Giloy

(Supported By National Medicinal Plant Board, Ministry of AYUSH)

Dates: 19 March, 2022

Background of NMPB

The Government of India has set up National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) on 24th November 2000 for the promotion of medicinal plants sector. Currently, the board is located in Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy), Government of India. The primary mandate of NMPB is to develop an appropriate mechanism for coordination between various ministries/ departments/ organizations in India and implements support policies/programs for overall (conservation, cultivation, trade and export) growth of medicinal plants sector both at the Central /State and International level.


  • To describe the cultivation and collection techniques of Tinospora cordifolia for the kitchen garden and farms
  • To discuss the household preparations of Tinospora cordifolia and their therapeutic purposes.


Session Timing Topic
I 10.00-11.00 Introduction of different household formulations of the Giloy
II 11.15-13.15 Live-demo for the preparation of household formulations of Giloy  
III 14.00-14.15 Cultivation and collection of Giloy in kitchen gardens and farms
IV 14.30-15.30 Post assessment


  • Participants will be able to cultivate Tinospora cordifolia in their kitchen gardens and farms
  • Participants will be able to prepare and use various household formulations of Tinospora cordifolia.